Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Why did they become Muslim? MUHAMMAD AMIN HOBOHN (German)



(Muhammad Amin Hobohn is both a diplomat and a missionary. He
is a man of knowledge and religion with a social career:)

Why are Europeans abandoning their religion and becoming Muslims?
It has various reasons. Among them is the 'Haqq=Truth; Right;
Reality'. The principles that Islam is based on are so logical,
so true and honest that it is out of the question for a wise and
educated person seeking for truth and reality in a religion not
to accept them. For instance, the Islamic religion professes the
existence of one god. It appeals to the human common sense, and
never descends to inculcating people with superstitions. The Islamic
religion states that people all over the world, regardless of
their races, are the born slaves of Allahu ta'ala, equal and similar.
We German people essentially believe in the fact that Allahu ta'ala
is a great creator who gives us power and energy and who guides
our souls to perfection. The concept of Allah infuses security
and peace into us. Yet the Christian religion falls short of giving
us this sense of peace. It is the Islamic religion, alone, that
teaches us the greatness of Allahu ta'ala and which, at the same
time, guides us in regard to where the human soul will go after
death. The Islamic religion guides us not only in the world, but
also in the Hereafter. It teaches in a plain and logical manner
what should be done in the world in preparation for a comfortable
life in the Hereafter. An awareness of the fact that Allahu ta'ala
will subject human beings to an equitable interrogation in the
Hereafter on what they have done in the world, will urge them
that they should abide by justice and integrity in the world.
For this reason, true Muslims never attempt to do something before
thinking well and being firmly convinced that what they are going
to do is really something useful. Thereby this great religion
establishes control over human beings in such a degree as could
be managed by no worldly police organization, and permanently
keeps them on the right way.

Another aspect that makes Islam an attractive choice in the eyes
of Europeans is its norms of worship. The namaz (the five daily
ritual prayers) teaches punctuality to people, and fasting drills
a strong sense of will power into them. What other factor could
be as essential to success in life as punctuality and determination?
Great men owe their accomplishments only to these two determinants.
Now I come to a most beautiful aspect of the Islamic religion:
While educating people in the ethical and humanistic areas in
the most logical styles, the Islamic religion never compels them
beyond their capacities. On the contrary, it offers them many
opportunities to lead a prosperous and comfortable life. Allahu
ta'ala wishes people to live in comfort and happiness. To this
end, He commands people not to commit sins. Muslims believe that
they are perpetually in the presence of Allahu ta'ala. They avoid
committing sins. Neither in the other religions nor in any of
the systems established in Europe is there another arrangement
as lovely or as useful as this.

I have been to many places and districts of the world on diplomatic
and religious missions. I have studied other religions and social
systems minutely. I have seen neither a religion nor a social
system as faultless or as immaculate as Islam. At first sight,
communism may seem to be a correct system of thoughts. Likewise,
the western-born democracy, which has been looked on as the most
capacious administration system in worldly matters, and Nazism
may contain some factual aspects. And then none of these aspects
is complete in itself. All of them have a number of deficiencies.
The one and only perfect and faultless system is Islam. It is
for this reason that many a person with common sense and perfect
reasoning accepts Islam without any hesitation. And so did I.
Islam is a practical religion, not a theoretical one. Islam means
submission to Allahu ta'ala, who is compassionate and forgiving
and who always shows the right way. What on earth could be more

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