Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Why did they become Muslim? Dr. HAMID MARCUS (German)



(Dr. Marcus is a renowned man of ideas, a writer, and the founder
of a magazine, i.e. the magazine entitled Berliner Moslemische

I was only a child when I took an interest in Islam and began
to collect information about Islam. In the library of my hometown
I came across an old translation of Qur'an al-karim that had been
printed in 1164 [1750 C.E.]. According to a narrative, Goethe
had read the same translation of the Qur'an al-karim during his
research on the Islamic religion and had expressed his admiration
for the book. As I read the Qur'an al-karim, I was deeply impressed
by its exceedingly logical and fascinating style of expression
that penetrated deep into the soul. How genuine and useful the
principles formulated by Islam were, was manifest in the fact
that nations honoured with Islam had been attaining the zenith
of civilization in a very short time.

When I left my hometown and went to Berlin, I made friends with
all the Muslims living there, joined them and attended with rapt
attention the interesting and instructive conferences held by
the members of the Islamic Mission. The more friendly I became
with the members of the Islamic Mission, the more closely was
I able to examine Islam. After a while I reached the conclusion
that Islam was the true religion I had been aspiring after, believed
in it, and accepted Islam.

According to Islam, Allah is One, and belief in One Creator is
Islam's most sacred credal tenet. The Islamic religion does not
contain any irrational or unbelievable tenet. There is not a creator
besides Allahu ta'ala. In Islam you cannot find a single dot dIssagreeable
with or contradictory to modern sciences. All its commandments
and inculcations are entirely logical and useful. In Islam, belief
and logic do not contradict each other, which is the common blemish
of other religions. Consequently, for a person like me who has
dedicated all his life-time to natural sciences, what could be
more natural than preferring Islam, which is in full conformity
with the scientific results that he obtained from his lucubrations,
to the other religions that are quite the other way round?

Another reason I feel compelled to add is that the other religions
are awash in a score of grotesque and ridiculous ideas that suggest
only a far-fetched mood of spirituality. They have nothing to
do with real life situations. Islam, on the other hand, is a practical
religion which guides man also in his trek of life. Commandments
of the Islamic religion lead a person to the right way not only
in the Hereafter, but also in the world, and, in the meanwhile,
they never restrict his freedom.

As a Muslim I have been studying my religion for many years. In
every new situation I see even more clearly how perfect a religion
it is, and this in its turn gives me all the more mental peace.

How exquisite a passageway it is that Islam lays between the individual
and the social life! Islam arranges these two lives. Islam is
a religion of perfect justice and its sole aim is to guide people
to the good end. Islam embodies all the good aspects of all the
world's social trends.

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