Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Why did they become Muslim? Hajji LORD AL-FARUQ HEADLEY (G.B.)



(Lord Headley possessed the title of excellency. Sir George Allanson
was born in 1855 and descended from the oldest British family.
He occupied very important political positions in Britain, and
at the same time made fame as an editor. He graduated from Cambridge
University. In 1877 he won the title of Lord. He served as a lieutenant
colonel in the British army. He was an engineer by vocation, but
a powerful writer by avocation. Among his publications, his work
entitled 'A European's Eyes Are Being Opened And He Is Becoming
A Muslim'. Lord Headley became a Muslim in 1913, performed Hajj
(the Islamic pilgrimage), and adopted the name Shaikh Rahmatullah
Faruq. In 1928 he visited India.)

Why did I become a Muslim? Perhaps, some of my friends and acquaintances
are of the opinion that I became a Muslim as a result of persuasion
on the part of my friends and acquaintances. But it is not the
fact. My accepting Islam was the result of long-time research
and contemplation. It was after a meticulous examination and forming
an opinion about Islam that I made contact with Muslims and, seeing
that their belief in their own religion was in conformity with
mine, I realized and became happy that I had entered into a good

The Qur'an al-karim commands that a person should accept Islam
after his heart's full confirmation, rejects a conversion under
coercion. Likewise, Issa a.s. said to his Apostles, "And
whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart
thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against
them. ..." (Mark: 6-11)

During my former life-time, I had seen many bigoted Protestants.
They would go to Catholic student hostels and try to force the
Catholic students. These unwanted efforts and coercive attempts
would cause various fights, offenses and controversies and would
sow discord among people. The same meaningless methods Christian
missionaries used with Muslims. They ran all sorts of risks for
the purpose of Christianizing Muslims. They resorted to all sorts
of stratagems to trap Muslims.

They promised them money, work, and posts. Those poor ignoramuses
did not know that Islam was the religion where the commandments
of Issa a.s. found the best practice and confirmation. Christianity
has been defiled, to the extent that the real Nazarani religion
communicated by Issa a.s. has been lost completely, and the tenets
of humanity he preached have been forgotten. These things exist
in Islam today. Then, by becoming a Muslim, I have also attained
the Nazarani religion in its pristine purity. Principles commanded
by Issa a.s., such as brotherhood, solidarity, good will, generosity
and others, are observed not by Christians, but by Muslims today.
Let me give you an example; The Christian sect of Athanasians
insistently inculcates the tenet that Christianity is based on
a belief in three gods (trinity), that a slightest doubt as to
this belief will lead one to immediate perdition, and that a person
who wishes to attain salvation in this world and the next should
definitely hold a belief in the three gods, i.e. 'God, the Son
of God, and the Holy Ghost'.

Another example: When I became a Muslim, I received a letter.
It said, "By becoming a Muslim you have damned yourself to
perdition. No one can save you. For you deny the divinity of God."
The poor man thought that I no longer believed in Allahu ta'ala.
According to his belief, the divinity of Allahu ta'ala depended
on trinity. The idiot did not know that when Issa a.s. had begun
to preach the pure Nazarani religion, he had stated the unity
of Allahu ta'ala, and he had never claimed to be His son. Islam,
by expressing that "There is only one Allah," rediscovered
the original essence of Nazarani religion. Today, nothing could
be as logical as a sane person's believing in the existence of
one Allah. By becoming a Muslim, I believe in one real Allah and
reject all the fibs that were inserted into the pure religion
of Issa a.s. afterwards. The person who wrote me that letter and
the other people who share his ideas are only pitiable. Day by
day Christians are abandoning their religion and becoming atheists.
For today's Christianity is no longer satisfactory for a normal
and cultured person. People refuse a blind belief in superstitions
and entertain doubts about the Christian creeds. On the other
hand, all through my life-time so far, I have never heard of a
Muslim feeling doubts about his faith. For the Islamic religion
satisfies all the spiritual and physical needs of human beings
in the most perfect and rational manner.

A fact I am positive about is that thousands of Christians, men
and women alike, have examined Islam and have already identified
themselves with Islam intrinsically. However, for the fear that
they might lose their jobs or posts in case they officially announced
their choice of Islam, or lest they should arouse derision on
the part of their friends, they do not dare to become Muslims.
In our schools Islam is still being taught as the religion of
people who do not believe in Allahu ta'ala. Running the risk of
being cursed as 'a man with a damned soul' by all my friends and
acquaintances, I embraced Islam, and for twenty years I have been
holding fast to Islam with both hands.

After giving this brief account of why I chose Islam, let me add
that by becoming a Muslim I managed also to become a more true
and pure follower of Issa a.s.. I wish to be an example for other
Christians. choosing Islam will not make them enemies of Christianity,
but, on the contrary, it will teach them the true Issawi religion,
and it will raise them to a higher level.

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